Is anyone willing to accept bewildered looks from everyone around at the gym in exchange for a more worthwhile workout?
Oh, you!
Welcome! Here are the best funny-looking yet awesome exercises you should be doing because they help your muscles work twice harder to tone up your body shape faster. Not saying that some of them are proven to be safer for back-pain exercises. Read on!
Cable Pull-Through

Some people might feel a bit embarrassed when performing this move at a public gym but in fact, it tells you to perform deadlift and to hinge properly.
Especially for exercisers with lower back problems, it is extremely safe and effective to work your core, glutes, and hamstrings with no back pain.
How to perform it:
Stand in front of and facing away from a cable machine.
Adjust the cable anchor at your knee level, then grasp the roped hand and keep it with both hands. Expand your feet equal to hip-width and engage your core muscles. That is the starting position.
Then, hinge at hips: keeping your back flat, slightly bending knees, and pushing the butt back as long as your chest is lower toward the floor.
When the torso is parallel to the floor, return to the starting position with glutes squeezed, shoulders stacked over hips, and hips extended. In the meantime, your hands are getting all the way through your legs with weight in heels.
That’s one rep. Do three sets of 12 reps. Rest 20 seconds between each set.
Standing Bottom-Up Kettlebell Press
This exercise is one of the most recommended rehab exercises – which helps stabilize the shoulders and strengthen your grip because it forces you to perform with much control.

What you will need is a kettle.
How to perform it:
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your back straight. Grasp a kettlebell with one hand while the other hand is pressed to your body.
Now, flip the kettlebell to shoulder height, then slowly move it toward the ceiling as long as the bottom is up. Engage your core muscles while keeping your wrist and elbow stacked.

Lower slowly the kettlebell back to the shoulder height; focus strength on your shoulder. That’s one rep. Do three sets of 10 reps on each side. Rest 20 seconds between sets.
Sit Out
The biggest benefits of this exercise are to train your coordination, rev your heart rate, and improve your core muscles.
How to perform it:
Perform an elevated plank position but with your feet hip-width apart – this is the starting position.

Now, twist your hips to the left while keeping your hips slow. Lift your left arm off the floor (you can form a fist and keep it on the left collarbone or stretch it toward the ceiling) while moving the right foot inward under your body and extend it out to the left, with toes touching the floor.
Your face and eyes should be looking towards the sky/ceiling.
Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Do three sets of 10 reps. Rest 20 seconds between sets.
Crab Walk
Crab walk significantly improves your posture and coordination. This weird-looking exercise is a perfect full-body workout, especially on your triceps and shoulders.

How to perform it:
Seat on a flat surface with your hands behind you, fingertips diagonally facing away from you, and the shoulders outward.
Bend your knees while keeping your feet planted, then lift hips 2”-3” off the ground, and hold there.

Start stepping forward: moving your left hand and left foot forward, then repeat on the right side. Take five steps forward and five steps backward.
Do three sets of 10 reps. Rest 20 seconds between sets.
Single-Leg Bench Getup
This funny-looking exercise might make you look like Frankenstein, but will effectively help improve core stability and strength, and also enhance the strength and balance of your lower body.
How to perform it:
Sit on a chair with your back straight. Extend your arms and keep them parallel to the floor. Extend one leg straight out as long as it is parallel to the floor while the other leg is planted at a 90-degree angle. That is the starting position.
Now, tighten your core muscles, then slightly lean the upper body forward and stand up on the planted leg.

At the top of the motion, focus on holding your balance. Stop for a second, then slowly return to the starting position.
Again, stop for a second to interrupt the momentum. That’s one rep. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.
Spiderman Pushup
This exercise makes you look like a Spiderman is crawling up a building as seen in the movie. Sounds easy and fun, right? But it is very hard to perform as it creates instability in your body, therefore, the muscles in your core, chest, and arms will work more.
Spiderman pushup is deemed as the advanced version of basic pushup for people who want to challenge themselves.
How to perform it:
Perform a standard pushup: Your arms are perpendicular to the floor, with fingertips pointing outward and parallel to each other. Keep a straight line from shoulders to heels. Eyes looking to the floor.
While bending your elbows to lower your body toward the ground, lift one foot off the floor and drive its knee to touch the same side elbow.
Then return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.
Do three sets of 10 reps. Rest 20 seconds between sets.
Those are the six funny-looking yet awesome exercises you should be doing during each workout session. Trust me, they help build up your muscles more effectively and burn more calories in a much shorter time.
Remember to stretch before and after the workout to avoid injuries. Happy exercising!